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Join the Board of Directors

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Position Descriptions

The President shall:

  1. Preside at all meetings of OhSNA, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee.

  2. Appoint special committees with the approval of the Board of Directors.

  3. Serve as ex-officio member of all committees except the committee on nominations.

  4. Contact Deans and Directors of Ohio nursing programs at least three times throughout his/her term of office to maintain open communication.

  5. Represent OhSNA in matters relating to the association and perform all other duties pertaining to the office

  6. Serve as second co-signer to the OhSNA Treasurer on any and all OhSNA accounts and transactions.

  7. On an annual basis propose the need to audit the Treasury to the board.

The Vice President shall:

  1. Assume, in order of rank, the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President.

  2. Accord to the office of President in case of vacancy of office.

  3. Chair the Bylaws and Policies Committee responsible for reviewing and stating recommendations for changes in the Bylaws.

  4. Co-chair the Resolutions Committee with the Legislative Director, and be responsible for collaboration with the local chapters to submit a minimum of one resolution per year to both the state and national levels.

  5. Co-chair the Policy Committee with the Secretary.

  6. Serve as second co-signer to the OhSNA Treasurer on any and all OhSNA accounts and transactions.

The Secretary shall:

  1. Record and review the minutes of all business meetings of OhSNA and insure accuracy prior to distribution to the Board of Directors.

  2. Be seated on the Bylaws and Policies Committee.

  3. Keep on file the names, addresses and telephone numbers of all of the state's colleges, universities, companies, hospitals, local school presidents, or other affiliates of OhSNA.

The Treasurer shall: 

  1. Act as the custodian of the organizational funds.

  2. Prepare the annual budget and the financial reports

  3. Serve as chairperson of the Finance Committee, when such a committee is established by the Board of Directors.

  4. Along with the Finance Committee, provide guidance to the Board of Directors with regard to the investment of resources and acquisition of fixed assets.

  5. Chair the Fundraising Committee and assign duties to the Board of Directors and monitor the results

  6. Provide written reports of office, available to all OhSNA officers and consultants, during all OhSNA meetings

  7. Provide the OhSNA Executive Board with copies of any financial statements or reports before monthly meetings

  8. Work with the Director of Fundraising and Convention Planner to keep track of donations, sponsorships, and monies allocated to OhSNA.

The Health Policy and Advocacy Director shall: 

  1. Serve as chair of the Legislative Committee of which the primary responsibility is that of encouraging the establishment of legislative projects in each local chapter

  2. Be responsible for coordination legislative information among the constituents and keep the membership updated on legislative and health care issues affecting nursing

  3. Chair the Resolutions Committee and be responsible for collaboration with the local chapters to submit a minimum of one resolution per year to both the state and national levels.

  4. Serve as a liaison to the Ohio Nurses Association by representing OhSNA as a member of the ONA Legislative Committee.

The Public Relations Director shall:

  1. Be responsible for publication of a minimum of three newsletters annually, in the style and months voted upon by the Board of Directors.

  2. Be responsible for coordinating and publishing the Annual Convention Program with the Convention Planning Director.

  3. Be responsible for the maintenance of the OhSNA website.

  4. Be responsible for updating the website at least three times annually.

The Membership Director Shall:

  1. Serve as a liaison between OhSNA and nursing programs within the state of Ohio

  2. Be responsible for membership promotion

  3. Be the liaison to NSNA for all membership promotion/implementation of NSNA at the state level.

  4. Compile a membership list of constituent schools, including contact person(s)

  5. Submit a minimum of one article per newsletter that deals with membership promotion.


The Breakthrough to Nursing Director shall:

  1. Serve as chair of the Breakthrough to Nursing Committee of which the primary responsibility is that of recruitment of minorities into OhSNA and the nursing profession. These would include, but are not limited to, African Americans, Latin Americans, Asian Americans, men, LGBT individuals, non-traditional students and disadvantaged persons.

  2. Serve as the liaison to ONA by representing OhSNA as a non voting member of the ONA Council on Practice.

  3. Submit current activities to NSNA for update of OhSNA's affairs.


The Population and Global Health Director shall:

  1. Serve as chair of the Community Health Committee of which the primary responsibility is that of encouraging the establishment of community health projects in each local chapter.

  2. Help to make local nursing student association chapters aware of current health concerns and offer suggestions for intervention.

  3. Serve as a contact person for community health activities within Ohio schools and keep a record of each chapter's community health projects.

  4. Organize a statewide community health project.

  5. Submit current activities to NSNA for update of OhSNA's affair.


The Nominations and Elections Director shall:

  1. Not be eligible to be nominated as a candidate or apply for nomination as a candidate for any elected position during that term.

  2. Receive official applications of proposed candidates submitted by OhSNA members.

  3. Prepare a ticket with officers and directors. Consent of all proposed candidates shall be obtained in writing before placing their names on the ticket. Geographical representation shall be maintained when possible, and always in the case of the Regional Membership Directors.

  4. Oversee the functions of the Campaign headquarters at annual conventions.

  5. Present the nominating and elections report and the official slate of candidates at the first business meeting of the annual convention.

  6. Run the candidates' presentation and presidential debate.

  7. Monitor and investigate complaints of campaign violations.

  8. Present the new officers to the House of Delegates.

  9. Present the report of the Committee on Nominations on the first day of the annual convention. Further, nominations may be made from the floor at this time. Candidates nominated from the floor shall immediately present their written consent to serve.


The Convention Planning Director shall:

  1. Be responsible for serving as chairperson for the convention planning committee.

  2. Be responsible for securing a site for the convention by January.

  3. Delegate tasks to committee members as deemed necessary throughout the planning and implementation process.

  4. Consult the Board of Directors before making decisions that include signing contracts and/or making any financial obligations on behalf of OhSNA

  5. Serve as the contact person to all parties involved in the OhSNA convention; involved parties include but are not limited to vendors, advertisers, sponsors, hotel contact persons, convention site contact persons and any other place of business supporting the OhSNA annual convention. When deemed appropriate by the OhSNA Board of Directors, an alternate contact person on the convention planning committee may also be appointed. 


The Council of School Presidents Director shall:

  1. be an elected officer of an official NSNA/OhSNA school chapter

  2. Facilitate communication between school officers, school advisors and the OhSNA

  3. Conduct two meetings of the Council of School Presidents, one to be held during the OhSNA Annual Meeting and once in between annual meetings.

Interested in Joining the Board?

Feel free to reach out with any questions regarding the Board of Directors application process!!

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Board Member Application 

The application for our 2024-2025 Board of Directors is OPEN. Please email your application to by Saturday, September 21st, 2024.

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